Friday, October 11, 2013

October Horror 2013: 11 - Jacob's Ladder

This is a short recap of movies watched during a weekend trip in which I wasn't able to write more full reactions in a timely fashion:

I have not seen Jacob's Ladder but the little woman has.  Apparently it makes much more sense the 2nd time through.  Jacob's Ladder is very twisty 1990 movie concerning Jacob Singer, a Vietnam veteran living in NYC in the early 1970's.  It does a striking job making everything look like it was really set in the 70s, so much that I had to double check the release date a few times.  Also, Tim Robbins would've been somewhere in his teens in the 1970s and Macaulay wasn't born yet so it has to have been released in 1990.  I mention this because it makes some of the nightmarish imagery look surprisingly real.  It couldn't have been a special effect because that type of effect/technology didn't exist in the 70s...when this movie was clearly made.  The plot is confusing as all get-out, but not so hard to follow you're can't figure out what's going on.  I'd imagine just a few of the finer points or revealing references wouldn't jump out until you knew how things would play out.  The movie prefers to play with general discomfort or longer scenes with creepy setups and strange action to simple jump scares, which is quite nice.  It's a very well done mind-bender.

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