Friday, March 7, 2008

YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG! Part 1 (repost)

Since I started Build Environment I realized that the RIT Sentinel was probably not the best place for my person, non-RIT related I have imported my series of complaints against the poor drivers of NYS. This is the first in the series on the subject of turn signals, Enjoy...LEARN. Don't crash into me, I like my car too much.

There is a law of software design which dictates that the more lines of code a project has, the more bugs it has. I believe this holiday season has proven this also applies to drivers. It is this which compels me to write to you all tonight.

In this series, titled “YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG”, I have appointed myself as grand master of all your crappy driving. So, stop what you are doing…pull the car over…YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG.

The other day I saw a man driving some form of SUV. He had begun to exit the expressway and realized that he was doing so early…and pulled into that weird “buffer” area. He tried to re-enter the highway proper and turned on his TURN SIGNAL to indicate his desire to do so. The other drivers saw what he wanted to do, and reacted accordingly. Is the man a good driver? Possibly. Is what he did legal? Probably not. BUT he does know how to use a turn signal, which is a step or 3 beyond the rest of you bitches with your insane lane changes and random 2.5 MPH turns that come out of nowhere and take 3 seconds to figure out what the HELL you’re doing.
Seriously, people. The turn signal was put into the car so no one had to wave their arm out the window in funny shapes to tell other drivers what they wanted to do…am I actually to believe in this age of high communication that we can’t flip a freaking lever to tell someone else we wanna drive our car in the general direction of left?

So! Just incase you missed it the first time:
How to not crash your car into other people when changing direction in 3 easy steps!
1) SIGNAL your desire to stop moving straight.
2) Make your direction change. And try not to take forever with this…seriously. Unless there’s something wrong with your car there is no way your suspension is that bad.
3) Turn the signal off. Not doing this only flies if you’re over 70. Once you no longer want to change your direction, stop telling people you wanna change direction.

THERE you have it! A quick and easy way to not only stop offending the other people on the road but also to help lower your insurance premiums because when other people can react to you, since you told them what you were going to do with your car, they’re less likely to CRASH INTO YOU.
Dammit people. You are so full of suck.

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