Friday, October 1, 2010

October Horror Season 2: Day 1

Once again October is upon us and it is my favorite holiday season.  Just as last year myself and my other will be watching one movie each day of the month, broken into 4 week long categories. These are:  Vampires, Monsters, Serious serial killers, and Ghosts.  As an exercise in blogging discipline I will try to include a small review for each one.

Week 1 is Vampires and movie 1 is Fright Night, the 1985 classic vampire camp flick starring Roddy MacDowel as Peter Vincent.

At first glance the camp seemed almost overwhelming, but behind it was a movie that was just smart enough to rise above itself.  The special effects, while ridiculous, were quite good for the age; especially Evil's wolf->human transformation sequence.  MacDowel was pretty fun to watch, as well as his obviously powdered hair.  If I thought about the movie too much, I'd find finer character points to be disappointed with.  However, it's really one of those rare movies that knows exactly what it is and doesn't try to portray itself above that.  Really fun, definitely recommend watching it to anyone.  Also, if you keep in mind that the actor who plays "Evil", eventually went on to do a lot of gay porn throughout the 1990's, a lot of the jokes are a lot funnier.

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