Monday, October 11, 2010

October Horror Season 2: Day 11

For monster week day 3 we watched 1997's Mimic starring Mira Sorvino and Josh Brolin.

I wasn't sure what I was getting into here.  I remember seeing the preview when I was younger but didn't really think much of it, it looked like a fairly boring standard movie.  I didn't realize at the time what Guillermo del Toro was capable of it.

The movie was well paced, well written with good characters, and well shot for being - by virtue of its time - dark all the time.  Although, the exposition seemed a little forced at times.  The creature design was nicely creepy, and well split between CGI and models.  I was really, genuinely impressed with a seriously entertaining movie with good portions of creepy, action, and gross coming out of the premise "6 foot tall killer cockroaches".  I might even go so far as to check out the sequels, but everything about their creatives teams are different so they might not play nearly as well.

Tomorrow it looks like we'll finally get our netflix DVD so the movie of the night will be Wolfman.

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