Sunday, October 3, 2010

October Horror Season 2: Day 2

Month Day 2 and Vampire week Day 2's movie is Let Me In, directed by Matt Reeves of Cloverfield fame.

Let Me In is actually a remake of the 2008 Swedish film "Let the right one in", which was itself based on the 2004 book of the same name.

The premise of Let Me In is that Abby, a vampire in the form of a 12 year old girl moves in next door to Owen, an awkward boy who is bullied constantly.  They become friends, and after leaving a trail of death and blood, run off together.

It's hard to discuss Let Me In without comparing it to Let the Right One In, but I'd like to avoid that.  Let Me In I think suffers from the tenants of modern American film it adopts.  Namely, teal/orange digital color shifting and lens flare.  I noticed the lens flare early on but not as much towards the end.  The fact that everyone was freaking orange bothered me the whole time.  The movie didn't shy away from gore or blood, putting it front and center without apology whenever it could sensibly get away with, which was really only 3-4 times.  I really liked it.  Owen and Abby were pretty creepy, but not too much that you couldn't feel sorry for them.

Overall Let Me In is far more accessible than its Swedish original.  Both movies are great in their own right, and seeing Let the Right One In before Let Me In is well worth it, since where Let Me In does vary from its source material it gives a nice tip of the hat.  Watching both adds a bit of depth to what is the shallower of the two.  Although even alone Let Me In is very well done and picks up the action just often enough and just long enough to keep you interested in what is effectively a slow horror-drama.

Tomorrow will be "Interview with the Vampire".

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