Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October Horror Season 2: Day 12

Day 12's movie was the Wolfman (2010) starring Anthony Hopkins and Benecio Del Toro.

I didn't read many reviews of the movie, but I did see it reviewed by Escapist's resident film geek Movie Bob and he gave it a fairly lukewarm reaction.  His complaints stemmed mostly from the meandering nature of the movie which had been rewritten and redirected so many times it suffered from a sort of schizophrenia.

On my watch through I couldn't really see the jumpy nature, but I did notice a few things felt a little tacked together.  The first half of the movie was pretty dull, to be totally honest, I know it was trying to build some kind of tension but I couldn't stop making jokes about Hugo Weaving wandering around calling everyone in town Mr. Anderson.  All of a sudden, immediately following the attack on Benecio's Lawrence Talbot, it took a sharp turn for the AWESOME.  Out of nowhere there were creepy shots of some deranged kid, talking statues, jarring flashbacks, and VERY well done gore.  It got bloody real fast and then sprinted across the finish line.  I got a little confused about exactly what happened towards the very end when they started killing off named characters, but it didn't matter because it was still fun.

Definitely a recommend, even if the first half was a little on the snoozery side it pays off by the end.

Tomorrow:  Slither.

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