Sunday, October 3, 2010

October Horror Season 2: Day 3

Week 1, day 3's movie was Interview with the Vampire starring Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt.

Also appearing were Kirsten Dunst, Antonio Banderas, and Christian Slater.  Needless to say this is a movie about Beautiful People, and pre-Twilight beautiful vampires can mean only one thing: Anne Rice.

The premise of the story is that Tom Cruise is Lestat and fucking LOVES being a vampire, so he makes Brad Pitt a vampire.  Brad is less than thrilled with the idea of killing people to live and spends the rest of the movie whining.  The whole story is actually told in flashbacks as Pitt is giving an interview to Christian Slater.  Kirsten is turned by Tom after Brad feeds on her in an angsty stroll through an outbreak of the plague.  She freaking loves being a vampire too, for about 30 years and then the fact she will never grow boobs gets to her and she tries to kill Tom.  Angst, confusion, angst, plot twist, fire, angst, more fire, some fire, and then angst.  And another plot twist.

The movie was far more entertaining the first time I saw it, since this time around I knew the major milestones and the detail they added just made it feel slow.  The movie doesn't really do anything creative with vampire lore, and there isn't so much a story as a series of events.  It's not really a horror movie, but look at who wrote it.  It's a decently well presented drama that just happens to have vampires in it.  Not really my kind of movie, but I enjoyed it well enough.  The way the story is told is intriguing enough to pull you through the boring moments.

Tomorrow's movie will be:  Dracula, Dead and Loving it.
This might not merit a review, since all I would be able to say is "I think Mel Brooks is a funny man, this movie made me lawl.  Also, heaving Victorian bosoms."

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