Monday, October 25, 2010

October Horror Season 2: Day 18

This night's movie was "Se7en" starring Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, and Kevin Spacey.

I first saw this movie several years ago at the recommendation of a friend of mine in High School.  At that point I hadn't really conceived of a good movie that ran at a rather slow pace and used horrible, depraved crimes as something other than "AHA!" shocking gross-outs.  Se7en presents these murders so matter-of-factly, even while its characters wretch on screen.  To a degree I think the evenness of the treatment between routine police work and investigating mutilated corpses with deadly sins written in blood does the film a disservice, dramatically.  On the other hand I can see it might be trying to make the point about the tediousness of work and the horrifying banality the killer sees in every day life.  This was also one of the first movies I'd seen with Brad Pitt in it, and back when I originally saw it I was surprised to learn he was a very good actor.

While it's more a really tense drama with a few shockingly gross scenes than a thriller of any sort, it's still a really well done movie.

Tomorrow will have been "High Tension"

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